Dowloading all presentations from Kubecon 2017

North American part of Kubecon 2017 was held in Austin, TX on December 4-6. Below are some useful links related to the event. - event report from LWN. - short overview of different container runtimes
Videos from the conference are available on official CNCF YouTube channel
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America schedule has links to presentations for about half of the talks.
Below are the steps to download all available PDF:
lynx -cache=0 -dump -listonly > links.txt
cat links.list | grep pdf | cut -d ‘.’ -f2- >> pdf.txt
wget -i pdf.txt
and PPT files:
lynx -cache=0 -dump -listonly > links.txt
cat links.list | grep ppt | cut -d '.' -f2- >> ppt.txt
wget -i ppt.txt
The commands are self-explanatory, another option would be to use browser’s javascript console to generate same list. (No idea how to do that, though)